Are you ready?
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve asked myself that, I would probably have a mansion in Brentwood.
I wasn’t ready to quit my job and focus full-time on Brooke du jour. I wasn’t ready to be in a relationship again. I wasn’t ready to move across the country and 1,000 miles away from all of my friends.
Part of me was absolutely terrified to move an inch outside of my comfort zone but another part of me wanted to tear down every wall I had created for myself and just freaking live already.
One night when I couldn’t fall asleep, I was sucked into an endless Instagram scroll. Alli Webb, the founder of drybar, goddess of blowouts and basically my hero in life, posted an image that said, “I always did something I was a little not ready to do.” I screenshotted that image and constantly went back to it during the weeks that followed.
As most of you know, I decided to go for it (yay!) and I’m now writing this blog post in an insanely cute pink coffee shop in Los Angeles. It’s the city of dreamers, you may have heard.
There have still been many, many times when I’ve questioned myself- and my sanity to be quite honest. During another night when I couldn’t sleep, I texted my brother basically a novel of my insecurities. He responded with this quote from Mary Oliver: “The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave it neither power nor time.” Don’t I just have the best brother? He impresses me every day. There will always be the party poopers who think you can’t do it, so it’s hugely valuable to have at least one person who is always in your corner.
What I’ve learned from the past few months is that you can’t let anyone F with your dreams—most of all yourself. After all, in 10 years, wouldn’t you rather a “well shit” than a “what if?”
Stop waiting and take the first step. Follow your heart. There are cotton candy pink skies ahead. You have so many sweet victories in front of you.
If you go for it and you f* up, dust yourself off and try again. Because you’re a bad ass b*tch and you’ve got this. You know you’re the bomb. I know you’re the bomb. Let’s go- your adventure is waiting for you.
Are you ready?
Outfit: Anthropologie sweater (similar), J.Crew jeans (similar)
Accessories: Prada purse, J.Crew flats
Jewelry: Design Darling earrings (similar)
I’m so incredibly proud of you, lady!!!
Thank you, Jenn! I am so glad we’re friends! I think you’re incredible! xx
Your prada bag is gorgeous!!!
I am loving those earrings!
You speak to my soooooul sweet friend! I am so proud of you and have motivated me more than you know. Love you TONS!
Love this! I have a few dreams I need to start living 🙂 Thanks for the inspo!